Rovers uses top quality raw materials, respectful of the environment and with a highly differentiated design

At Rovers we are fully aware that each of our actions and services interact with a place and a space. We are aware that our activities have an impact on this environment and we are firmly convinced that these impacts are minimized as much as possible. That is why our Business Management System has as its maxim the creation of a quality product with a deep respect for the environment, in a safe environment for our workers and that seeks excellence in its globality.

Our quality and environment policy establishes the following principles:

Offer products and services that are above the expectations of our customers in constant search for excellence in all areas and especially being respectful of the environment.

Raise awareness and make our workers responsible for the importance of their work and how it interacts with the client and the environment in which it is inserted.

Implement and maintain optimal and safe working conditions for our work team.

Comply with all legal requirements and adopt the necessary measures to achieve the commitment to sustainability.

In order to establish these principles of excellence and sustainability, it is important to adapt to the needs of our clients, develop and maintain the quality of the processes and meet the objectives set by the organization, for which the commitment of the management and the promotion of of these principles among the team made up of all the people who work at Rovers. We want to encourage motivation, creativity, teamwork, training and active participation in our quality and sustainability policy.

Rovers management is committed to communicating this policy at all levels of the organization, reviewing it regularly to adapt it in a timely manner and setting new sustainability objectives when necessary.

We are firmly convinced that a policy that is truthfully and verifiably committed to the environment will always generate positive synergies for it and for all the people who interact with it.